Spindle Turning on the Spring Pole Lathe
Course Overview
Learn to make spoons, ladles and other simple kitchen utensils on the spring pole lathe. Long before the industrial revolution, craftspeople turned objects – from the everyday to the ornate – using a simple machine made of wood, iron and rope: the spring pole lathe. Press the pedal to engage the natural elasticity of a small diameter pole, watch the stock spin back and forth, and listen to the thumping rhythm of this ancient tool. Learn to use a set of chisels and gouges to form the spinning stock into a useful object. In this class, you will use a spring-pole lathe to create a wooden ladle or spoon. Starting with a green birch log, you will split out turning stock, and practice spindle-turning fundamentals on the lathe before starting your own project. This course is appropriate for both beginners and experienced electric lathe turners wanting to unplug; techniques learned will enhance your understanding of all types of lathe turning. Additional projects – including rolling pins and tool handles -- may be an option if time allows.