Smoking Sausage
Course Overview
Smoking can be good for you—if it’s sausage that is! The process of smoking has been around for centuries as a way to preserve meat. Smoked sausage takes on an entirely new character, is fully cooked, ready to eat, and has an extended shelf life. Smoking sausage is far more involved than either smoking whole meats or making fresh sausage. Learn the steps, ingredients and equipment necessary to create many varieties of smoked sausage. We will have several kinds of smokers and types of wood to work with and discuss during the class. Our class will include making kielbasa into links and rings and summer sausage in the familiar 2.5" casing. These and other recipes will be available along with some of each sausage to take home and enjoy. Some sausage making experience is much preferred, so if you have only eaten sausage we would encourage you to register for the Sausages for the Summer Grill course preceding this class.