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Simple Tunes for Singing and Dancing

Course Overview

Always wanted to play along with the band? Here's your chance to learn a few traditional American folk music tunes and be ready to join in. Often called a jam circle, musicians will pick up new tunes by playing them over and over again in unison. In this workshop, you'll be part of a "slow jam," specifically for those who have little experience or mastery of an instrument. Any stringed instrument in the closet-- a fiddle, banjo, guitar, dulcimer, or mandolin will do, or you can purchase a penny whistle or harmonica at the workshop and join right in. You'll be reeling and jigging right along in no time! Come a foot-tapper and leave a jammer. The instructor will provide penny whistles and harmonicas for purchase, as well as simple tune books for those who wish to continue. No musical experience necessary- just a desire to play along!

Currently Scheduled Sessions