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Knitting in the Round: Using Circular Needles

Course Overview

Round out your knitting skills with circular needles: whether you call it circular knitting, seamless knitting, or knitting in the round, knitting with 2 needle tips joined by a flexible cord (a circular knitting needle) offers advantages when making a sweater, shawl, or afghan, but also when making small, tube-shaped items like socks and mittens. In this class, students will knit a two-colored child's stocking cap (touque or beanie) while exploring three ways to use circular needles: knitting on one circular needle, knitting on two circular needles, and knitting on one long circular needle with a loop in the cord (the magic loop). Students will learn to follow written instructions for circular knitting, and cover casting-on, joining the edges, ribbing, changing colors, purl stripes, stripes in ribbing, and spiral decreases. We will also focus on differences between circular and "back-and-forth" knitting.

Currently Scheduled Sessions