Flatbreads from the Wood-Fired Hearth
Course Overview
Do you dream of pulling crisp, flavorful flatbreads out of your home oven as your guests look on? Are you looking for recipes and techniques that children or grandchildren can help shape and bake quickly for almost “instant gratification” breads? Have you always wanted to try baking in a wood-fired brick oven? In this one day baking class for beginning bakers, students will bake 3 kinds of flatbreads in the North House harbor side wood-fired oven. Class discussion includes how to create a hearth-like baking experience in your home oven and how to use cool fermentation to hold dough for convenience, flavor, and added nutrition. Resources will be provided for ingredients and techniques used during class, and students will take home loaves of bread. Open to beginning and intermediate bakers, this course requires the ability to stand for periods of time, to knead dough by hand, and to walk to and from the teaching kitchen and the outdoor wood-fired oven.