Fingerweaving Introduction
Course Overview
Braided structures are among the oldest examples of human textile work. Learn to create cloth without the use of a loom, an extremely portable method. No previous weaving experience is assumed for the beginners’ class. Using a ready-to-go warp, participants will receive an introduction to the basic techniques. Emphasis is placed on the basic stitch, and how to use your fingers to create the desired structure. Each worker is unique, hands and fingers vary from individual to individual. Instructions focus on the search for a method that works for you. Class size is limited to allow for sufficient one-on-one time with the instructor. Irregularities are viewed as an invitation to further explore structure: why does it look irregular, what to do to correct, how to avoid in the future, or how to do this on purpose as a design element.
With this initial warp, we will explore some of the “building blocks” of classic fingerweaving design: diagonal stripe, vertical stripe, and sawtooth, as well as the finishing technique of fringe twisting. Once the initial piece has been completed, instructions are given on setup (warping) and we explore more complex chevron and arrowhead designs.
While most any kind of yarn or thread can (and has been) used for fingerweaving, each choice has unique consequences. The instructor prefers to supply all yarn for the initial explorations to help you focus on the stitch and avoid unnecessary struggle.