Finger Crocheted Hat: Online Course
Course Overview
One can never have enough hats or enough hobbies! Learn the very simple craft of finger crochet in this online workshop. Find one skein of size 6 bulky yarn, rustle up a pompom if that’s your look, bring all ten fingers, and you’re ready to go. Students have completed a hat in as little as two hours, but through step-by-step instruction, Teri can coach even someone who is all thumbs through this fun beginner project. This class will take a 20 minute snack break mid way through.
Required Tools
- 1 skein size 6 bulky yarn
- Scissors
- Large needle- or bobby pin or bendable pipe cleaner to make into a needle
- Stable work space, good lighting, and a comfortable chair.
- A laptop or tablet to join the Zoom class
- Charger for the above device
Optional Tools
- 1 pompom: can be ordered online easily by searching "fur pom pom"