Fiber + Twist = Yarn
Course Overview
Discover the magic of making your own yarn from scratch. Whether you knit, weave, stitch, or are just curious about turning fiber into useful yarn, spinning is an endlessly fascinating way to take your craft to a deeper level. In this course we'll start from the beginning using a supported spindle, an ancient tool that is as versatile and portable as ever, and might just be the perfect addition to your modern making practice. We'll explore different fiber types, spinning styles, learn about preparing fibers and how to finish yarns. You'll also get a chance to try plying (combining strands of yarn together) and spinning on a wheel. You'll leave with enough knowledge and ideas to set off on your own spinning adventures, creating yarn for whatever you want to make.
Students age 14+ are welcome to register for this course. Youth ages 8+ may register if accompanied by an adult. Adult/child pairs will complete two projects and pay two materials fees.
Required Tools
Beginner's Mind – a willingness to hold things lightly, give yourself grace, and have fun with the process of learning something new!
Optional Tools
Any spindles and/or fiber that you already have and want to try out. (Spindles and fiber are also provided as part of the class materials fee.)