Felting for the Kitchen and Home
Course Overview
The kitchen is the perfect place for handmade felted woolen goods that are fire, mildew, and odor resistant as well as beautiful and durable. In this two day course, students will work with wool to create potholders, coasters, trivets, placemats, seat cozies, table runners, and more. Students follow their skill level and Elise will guide them to create what they dream of. Everyone will learn from each other and undoubtedly be inspired and challenged. Using flat felting techniques allows us to focus on surface designs using needle felting and prefelts to create items that ought to hang on the wall, not hide in a drawer. Despite their beauty, what students create will be durable and easily washed. This course is open to students ages 10+ if accompanied by an adult, 12+ without.
Materials Fee
There will be a $30-$45 materials fee payable to the instructor during the class.
Required Tools
- Two large towels
- Scissors
- Pencil and paper
Optional Tools
- Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course.
- Colors in your home to match your project