Felted Crochet Wool Rug: Online Course
Course Overview
Have you ever accidentally felted something in the wash—oops? Or have you seen felted knits and wondered if you could do that with crochet? This class not only unlocks the process and tricks for felted crochet, but also lets you felt in the wash and by hand (on purpose) to make a beautiful, durable wool rug. You can machine wash that rug later, for happy bare feet for years to come! If you know how to make chain and single crochet stitches, you’ll be good to go. Once you get the knack for it, your stash of odds-and-ends wool yarn will soon be put to use making more. If you want to bring some of your stash to the Zoom class, the instructor will be happy to help coach students regarding what will or will not work well for incorporating into the rug. Students will have the choice from four basic colorways for their rug: Red/purple; Blue; Earth Tones; Green. Once registered, students will receive information about sharing their choice with the instructor. Instructor will send students a kit with most the materials needed for their project. Approximate finished project dimensions: 23x32 inches. (Unfelted dimensions about 29x37 inches.)
Required Tools
Students should have the following available for class:
- Size N crochet hook (yup, it’s big)
- Tapestry needle for burying ends (if you like that technique)
- A washer and dryer (if you choose to use a laundromat, that’s fine, just repeat the steps you learn for this part when it works for you)
- Non-detergent bar soap (for hand-felting, doesn’t need to be much)
- A utility sink (bath tub could also work if you don’t mind kneeling, or a large bin
- A couple older beach or bath towels
- A space to block your rug that is water-resistant (this could be the top of a chest freezer, a tile floor, or a table covered in plastic)