Etched Metal Jewelry: Patterns, Textures
Course Overview
Creating textures and patterns on metal has been both a goal and a challenge for jewelers and metalsmiths throughout time. Certainly, there are many ways of achieving this goal - the obvious ways are hammering, using stamps, chasing and repousse. This course allows students to discover something more magical and fun: metal etching. Using oil-based paint pens, patterns designed by each student will be drawn directly onto brass plates. These plates are immersed into a non-toxic acid bath of ferric chloride for a couple of hours. The paint acts as a resist so that the acid will etch into the metal surrounding the paint, leaving exquisite patterns, designs and textures on the brass. Using a jeweler’s saw, the plates will then be cut and filed into shapes to design cuff or link bracelets, earrings and pendants.