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Cutting it Close: Improve Your Knife & Axe Skills

Course Overview

Ready to cut to the core of the matter? No matter what the project is, traditional woodworking requires a solid command of two fundamental tools: the axe and the knife. This will be an intense process/skill building workshop for folks who have some knife and axe carving experience but are ready to take it to another level. Through the carving of chopsticks, butter spreaders, cooking spades, small stirring spoons or herring forks, students will explore the more intense and skilled uses of the axe and knife. We’ll explore different variations of the standard carving grips/grasps and delve deep into cutting theory to help understand what’s happening at the blade’s edge, and to learn to make long, clean, smooth cuts with our knives. We will also focus on learning to use the axe in an efficient way to save time and energy. There will be ample time for one-on-one lessons and skill building exercises in this two-day workshop.

Currently Scheduled Sessions