Creating Your Home Herbal Apothecary
Course Overview
The term 'apotheca' originally refererred to a homestead pantry--large or small--where folks stored their herbs, wines, cordials and certain food stuffs. Around the 13th century both word and concept transformed. Fewer homes had self-sufficient apothecas; instead, larger spaces called apothecaries emerged with healers and purveyors bartering and selling their medicinal goods to surrounding communities. With the progression of Western medicine, home herbal pantries and community apothecaries nearly vanished. Reclaim the traditional home medicine cabinet/first aid kit and celebrate the joyful creation of traditional and cross cultural apothecaries, plus learn to design a home apothecary specifically for your use. Feel more self-sufficient and secure, and learn to integrate herbs you’ve grown in your garden or wildcrafted. Learn to assess your individual, family, even community needs to plan and stock a true apotheca to sustain you well through seasons and cycles to come.