Creating Movement in Handwoven Textiles: Online Webinar
Course Overview
Movement is a principle of visual art that seeks to move the viewer's eye around and through the work. In weaving, this can be created in a multitude of ways - from manipulating threading drafts and treadling patterns, to color placement and proportions. This webinar will focus on several essential back pocket techniques that the weaver can use in designing and weaving. Together, we will look at examples of woven work that expertly create rhythm through line colors and shapes. We will then practice turning a 4-shaft twill design into a captivating textile. Participants will walk away with several techniques they can start applying immediately to choreograph movement that will help their weavings stand out.
Required Tools
This course is demonstration based
- Students will need a laptop or tablet with reliable internet connection
Optional Tools
- Students may wish to bring a pencil and graph paper for note taking