Blanket Coat: Techniques for Making Your Own Warm Wool Blanket Coat
Course Overview
A blanket coat made from a Hudson Bay-style blanket is an inspiring and distinctive example of style and craft. In this skill-building workshop, students will gain the patterning, fitting, and sewing skills they need to create their own unique blanket coat. Made from new or recycled wool blankets, these coats are very adaptable and can be used for many outdoor activities and conditions. Students will practice fitting their patterns, handstitching, and utilizing construction techniques as applied to blanket coat making. Students will come away knowing sturdy and decorative hand stitch variations and will have a custom blanket coat pattern based on the distinctive North House Folk School example. Students will leave with their coat cut from the blanket and ready to be stitched and finished at home. Each student should bring their own blanket. Please contact the instructor after you register to receive guidelines for choosing your new or recycled blanket for your coat.