Black Ash Lidded Basket
Course Overview
The ash splint lidded basket has its roots on the north eastern seaboard of North America amongst early indigenous tribes, such as the Micmac and Passamaquaddy. Fine examples of workmanship can be found in collections in New York and Boston, to name but a few places. In this course, students will prepare uprights and weavers from pre-pounded and pre-shrunk splint material specifically suited for such baskets before laying out and weaving not just one, but two, baskets: the main storage basket on bottom AND the lid on top. Each finished basket will be woven one row at a time so as to incorporate curly-q decoration with the finished basket. Simple splint handles will be discussed and/or incorporated into the finished basket, time permitting. Each finished basket will measure approximately 11” x 7” x 7” and will be truly one of a kind.