Beyond Scarves and Dishclothes: Understanding Printed Knitting Directions for Flat Projects
Course Overview
Getting from learning basic knitting skills to reading and following written pattern directions is not always as straightforward as one would like. Written patterns have their own language, symbols and abbreviations. This one-day class, created to respond to the requests of many past students will help knitters decode this "secret" knitting language. We will also review techniques and learn some new ones along the way. This class focuses on written instructions for "flat" (back and forth) knitting using two straight neeles or one circular needle working back and forth.
*Knitters should be able to cast on, knit and purl easily. Experiences with making increases and decreases while knitting will also be helpful. With instructor guidance, students will work from printed knitting directions using common abbreviations and instructions. Project will be a sample made using two needles. Techniques will also inlcude two cast-on methods, edge stitch options, knitting a basic cable, knitting to gauge, the why and how to determine your gauge and using it for a good fit. Knitters may also be interested in the course offered the following day: Knitting in the Round.