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Artisan Cheesemaking: Scandinavian Cheeses

Course Overview

For centuries, the hardworking goats and cows of the fjords & mountains of Scandinavia have been kept fat and happy on the lush green grasses that thrive in the long daylight hours of summer. And as any foodie will tell you: where there is an abundance of milk, there is a cheese culture. Learn to make four different cheeses at home — Snofisk, Nokkelost, Norvega, and Pultost — with ingredients that can be easily obtained. We’ll cover the following: milks, starters, bacteria, molds and common household equipment necessary for cheesemaking. Students will learn the basics of cheesemaking — skills that can be applied to a variety of recipes — as well as take home four varieties of cheese. Note: The hard cheeses will need a bit of time at home to finish. Some past cheesemaking experience will be helpful.

Currently Scheduled Sessions