Advanced Needle Felting and Bead Embroidery
Course Overview
This advanced course is open to those who have taken Jo’s bead and felt class and to students who have experience with both two-dimensional needle felting and bead embroidery. In this three-day course, each student will focus on creating a single piece. At the end of the course, they will frame their work. This is an opportunity to learn more about blending colors of wool for felting and to try a variety of bead embroidery techniques.
Before coming to class, you will choose your image and begin planning your piece. You will also choose your frame sizes: 4”x6”, 5”x7”, or 6”x6”. Jo will contact you, order the frames, and answer any questions you have.
Needle felting supplies and the frame will be provided. The instructor will also provide the needles, thread, and some beads. Preview the instructor's beadwork on her website by visiting jowoodbeads.com.
Required Tools
- A printed image of your chosen design (photo, sketch, drawing, etc)
- Beads- seed beads in size 10/0 to 15/0. Choose a variety of colors and surface finishes that work with your image (opaque, matte, transparent, silver-lined, etc.
- Scissors- small and sharp, for cutting thread
- Pencil
- Ruler (metal if you can)
- Mat knife (utility knife)
Optional Tools
- Glasses or magnifier if you need them
- Feel free to bring any of your beads and felt supplies. Also bring any felt and/or beadwork you want to share with the class.