Blacksmithing & Toolmaking
Blacksmithing: Crafting The Tools of the Trade
Cody Myers
Course Overview
In this course, students will begin to outfit their own blacksmithing tool chest while simultaneously learning the foundations of forging. Primary tool projects will include fire rakes, tongs, punches, chisels, and other smaller projects as time allows. Heat treatment, forging, fire types, forge welding, and more will be covered as we work to cultivate both our skills and tools. This class is suitable for beginners and for those who would like to continue their learning. This course is open to ages 16+. Youth ages 14-15 are welcome to register with a full-paying adult. A 25% tuition discount applies to the youth registrant when registering with a full paying adult; call to register.
Required Tools
- Safety glasses (provided, but you may wish to bring your own)
- Ear protection (provided, but you may wish to bring your own)
- Leather gloves
- Jeans
- Cotton shirts (no nylon clothing)
- Leather shoes
- Clothing comfortable to be outdoors
Thu, May 18th, 2023 – Sun, May 21st, 2023
Course Details
Hours: 9am-5pm each day
Tuition: $400.00
Materials fee: $160.00