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Blacksmithing & Toolmaking

You Can Handle It: The Custom Slöjd Knife

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Course Overview

If you’ve got small bits of wood from other projects too “nice” to throw in the stove or knife blades purchased long ago in want of handles, have we got the class for you. A carving knife is a must-have tool for any craftsperson, but a personalized slöjd knife is when you really know you’ve got craft fever. Students will turn a block of wood into a beautiful and comfortable custom carving knife. We will begin by learning to properly fit a knife blade to a handle. Once learned, this skill translates easily to other tools. Specialty tools will be provided, as will proper finishes for the handle. We will also cover sharpening and simple birch bark sheaths. This course requires moderate hand strength. Being able to open a jar is an example of hand strength. The materials fee includes one blade and block of wood; students may purchase additional materials in class. Youth ages 14-15 may register if accompanied by an adult. Adult/child pairs will complete two projects and pay two materials fees. A 25% tuition discount applies to the youth registrant when registering with a full paying adult; call to register. Students ages 16+ may register independently. 

Required Tools

  • Pencils
  • Flexible straight edge
  • Small square: 4” or 6”
  • Eraser

Optional Tools 

  • Carving knife
  • Rasps
  • Files
  • Sandpaper 


Sun, Jul 27th, 2025  –  Mon, Jul 28th, 2025

Course Details

Hours: 9am-5pm each day
Tuition: $230.00
Materials fee: $50.00
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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Fred Livesay
Fred Livesay
St. Paul, MN

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You Can Handle It: The Custom Slöjd Knife