Blacksmithing & Toolmaking
Damascus Blade Forging Intro
Course Overview
Sparks will fly as we begin forge-welding our billets immediately! This class is suitable for smiths with at least some knowledge of forging, however, an ambitious beginner student could take it on. We’ll twist our billets and forge a blade to shape and finish with grinding, tempering, and etching to reveal the pattern. Add in the woodworking for the handle and leatherwork for the sheath and you’ll end the weekend with a handmade one of a kind tool. This class will focus on stick tang knives with 3-4” blades in the Nordic style (think puukkos) suitable for all around use, whether hunting or cooking. Youth ages 12+ may register if accompanied by an adult. Adult/child pairs can choose to complete one or two projects and pay the corresponding material fee. A 25% tuition discount applies to the youth registrant when registering with a full paying adult; call to register. Students ages 14+ may register independently.
Required Tools
- Long sleeves and pants, leather closed toe shoes, cotton or natural fiber clothing
- Hair tie if needed.
Optional Tools
- Favorite forging hammer, leather apron, small touchmark if you have one
- Ear and eye protection (provided, but you may prefer you own for fit and comfort)